Security & privacy:
Your trust, our promise

Your trust in our data privacy and security measures is paramount. We are constantly evolving our practices to exceed global standards and stakeholder expectations.


Secure end to end workflow

Doctors and patients can enjoy the confidence of knowing their conversations and data are protected.

Informed consent
As your trusted partner, Medow Health seamlessly integrates consent protocols into your workflow, prompting you to obtain explicit patient approval before each consultation, ensuring transparency whilst upholding ethical standards.
Secure transcription
Audio captured during consultations is immediately encrypted using industry-leading encryption protocols, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected at all times. Furthermore, we adhere to strict data retention policies, deleting the encrypted audio files 7 days after the report has been generated.
Protected report generation
Post-transcription, our dedicated locally deployed Large Language Models (LLMs) meticulously craft detailed medical reports. Infused with essential patient information, these reports are securely transmitted back to doctors for review and validation.
Doctor-validated reports
Every report is ready for your review, ensuring that your clinical judgement and insights are the final authority on each patient's medical record.
Securely uploaded to your EMR
Your AI-generated reports are then seamlessly integrated into your existing EMR system using robust security protocols designed with our partners to ensure patient data remains confidential and protected.


Privacy by design

Medow Health is fully committed to following the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), ensuring responsible handling and protection of personal health information as mandated by the My Health Records Act 2012. This commitment underpins every facet of our data management and security processes.

No audio file storage
Adhering to the principle of 'privacy by design' we store only essential data and delete all unnecessary information, including voice recordings within 7 days.
Data stored on Australian servers
All Medow Health data is hosted within Australian borders in our own dedicated HIPPA compliant Microsoft Azure servers, upholding national data residency laws and our commitment to data sovereignty.
Clinicians own the data
At Medow Health, we firmly believe in data sovereignty, ensuring that all clinical data remains under the ownership and control of the doctor.
Robust Encryption, Minimal Data Storage
We employ FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic modules, including AES 256-bit encryption, to safeguard your data both at rest and in transit. Adhering to our principle of ‘privacy by design’.
FIPS 140-2
AES-256 Encryption

Seeing is believing

Schedule a demo and see first hand how Medow Health can transform your practice.
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